
Vacation by Numbers

Concerts seen - 2
Eggplants planted - 3
Naps taken - 2
Mornings slept in past 9am - 2
Mornings up early with VIM so I could rub it in that he had to go to work and I didn't - 2
Rainy Days - 1
Bills Paid - 0
Pages into Anna Karenina - 196 (most read on the rainy day)
Times refilled bird feeder - gazillion
Hours of Television watched - 2 or 3
Hours of Halo played - uh, about 15 or so (bad bad BAD!)
Meat products consumed - 5 *sigh*
New (used) bicycles bought - 1
Minutes spent riding new used bike - 45
Sore body parts from said bike - 1 (I have Saddle Ass)