
Nah NAH Nah Nah

I've got the Bridesmaid's Blues.
The dress has officially been fitted. The shoes have been purchased. I've got the tanning bed bronzed skin. There's still a whole month before the wedding to help with the little things that pop up. There should be no pressure. But there's something that's not quiiiiiiiiite right. Something I just can't quite put my finger on. What could it be?

Oh, right, right. I remember. It's the Matron of Freakin' Honor. She's driving me up a wall. She is absolutely ruining any small amount of fun I, as a 36 year old never-been-married, bridesmaid YET again, can possibly have. The shower is coming up. For the past 2 months I have asked what I can do to help. I've offered to make food, buy food, give money, move tables, ANYTHING. All I get is, "ok, well, I've already done this and I'm doing that and I've spent SO much money and I've spent SO much time and I'm SO stressed out...woe is me...poor poor me."

"Yes, I understand, Matron of Freakin' Honor, so what can I do to help you? Anything at all."

"Yeah, we'll have to get together and talk about what we're going to do."

At first I thought she was just busy and wasn't sure what she needed. But I have repeated this same conversation over and over and over. Seriously. Like, 8 times. The worst part is listening to her bitch about how she's doing everything and no one else is bothering to help. It would be much easier for me to help if I KNEW WHAT THE HELL SHE NEEDED. She's guarding the plans like it's some kind of military maneuver. The shower is days away and I don't even know what time it's being held.