
Ok, so yeah, I've figured out what is worse than being between a slow driver and an impatient one. It's worse (MUCH worse) to almost cause an accident by pulling into a blind intersection directly into the path of a driver who is NOT appeased by your meek little "I'm sorry" wave, and rides your ass to prove a point, causing you to speed up and up and up until you you are forced to slow down by a car in front of you being driven approximately 18 MPH by a 241 year old woman on her way to church. Then the driver behind you (who, while understandably upset by the near accident you caused, is now acting like a doo-doo-head) starts to try to pass both you and the 241 year old woman, but is thwarted at least three times by oncoming traffic.

Yeah. That's much worse.

Confidential to the man I pulled out in front of:

Dude, I am TRULY sorry. It's a blind intersection and the sun was in my eyes. It was my fault. I admit that. But it was TOTALLY inappropriate to harass me for the next 5 miles. Grow the fuck up.