
Like many women (and maybe men), I have a pretty poor body image. I know that I've lost weight. I know that I'm smaller than I was. But there is some part in my brain that tells me it's not true.
"Those really aren't size 12 pants you're wearing. They're still 22. Someone just switched out the tags."
It's ridiculous, I know, but it's also scary. It's scary that my mind will hold on to the poor body image...will insist on clinging to that extra 60 pounds that's been gone for 4 years.

There is a woman at work who recently has lost about 30 pounds on the Atkin's diet. She went from being about my size down to maybe a size 8 or so (I'm better at judging clothing sizes than weight). Recently, she has started saying stuff to me like, "Oh, I keep forgetting to bring in some clothes for you. My mother-in-law keeps buying me clothes and I don't have the heart to tell her that they are HUGE on me. I figured you could probably fit into them."

I can't decide on whether she's being purposely nasty or not.

I can't decide on why it bothers me so much.