
I wouldn't say I'm *missing* it, Bob

Over at Kazoofus they're talking office talk. My company is big enough to have some of everybody's favorite corporate mainstays (pre-meeting meetings), yet small enough to be quirky as hell (the receptionist emails everyone in the building when BMoss is having a special sale - even the 65 yr old male CEO).

  1. At any given time you can find enough "free for the taking" stuff in the kitchen to make a 4 course meal.
  2. We are waging the Battle of the Thermostat in my department. One of the men (surprise!) turns the thermostat down to 70, which pushes the temp in several of the offices (mine included) down to, oh, 50 degrees or so, then one of the women turns it up to 73, which then (you guessed it), jacks it up to about 90. On any given day I'll be so cold my teeth will be chattering, then 20 minutes later I'll be droopy and limp from the heat. I want to break both of their fingers.
  3. We have a racquetball court and workout equipment in our office building. It's right beside the kitchen, where you can always find donuts, pizza, cake, etc.
  4. Our building has restrooms with stalls AND 2 "private" bathrooms for those times when you may prefer a little more privacy. By silent agreement between us all, they have become "The Bathrooms Where You Go When You Must Take a Dump." The problem is that they are at the front of the building, right behind the receptionist, and the fans in the bathrooms are connected to the lightswitch, so if one happens to switch out the light upon vacating the room before complete ventilation has taken place, the entire front half of the building will smell like ass. Very Bad Ass.
  5. My computer has a subwoofer bigger than my head.