
The Countdown Begins

Two days ago the VIM handed me a piece of paper and an envelope. The paper was a blank registration form for a 5K race coming up in September. In the envelope was his completed registration and a check already written out for the cost of both registrations.

"All you have to do is fill out your form, put it in the envelope and drop it in the mail."

Sly Bastard.

He removed about 4 different obstacles I would have found to put off doing this.

It didn't stop me from trying, though.

"I can't do this. I'm not ready."

"You've been doing it for the past month. You'll just be doing it with a lot more people."

"But I'll be the last one done. Even the 10k people will be done before me. People will be milling around the parking lot waiting for me to cross the finish line."

"Do you care?"

I had to stop and think about that for a second (because when I get on a roll finding ways to convince myself I can't do something the last thing I'm doing is thinking.)

"No. I don't care. I'm not competing against anyone else. I'm competing against the nasty little bad-tempered couch potato in my head."

"And we'll get free t-shirts too."

"Really? Cool. I'm in."