
Miscellaneous Items of Questionable Interest

  • 5K cancelled. I'm actually relieved. Ever since the dog incident a week ago I've really been hating everything about running. I especially hate pushing myself against a stopwatch. I understand it's necessary, but I still hate it. I'm not even going to wear a watch on the next couple runs. I want to get back to the "wow, I'm really glad I did this" feeling instead of the "I never want to fucking do this again" feeling.

  • On Saturday morning after breakfast I hugged and kissed the VIM and told him goodbye for a week. Driving home from his house I told myself that his being out of town was a good thing. Think of all the stuff I'll get done. I'll do all the little things that I normally let slide in my daily mad rush between work, here, and there - bills paid and organized, extra attention paid to yard and porch, laundry hung on the line to dry, drawers and cabinets cleaned. I'll bake (bake!), I'll clean, I'll Keep Myself Busy.

    Ok, so all that stuff is done. I also snuck in a nap and a few pages of a book.
    Now what?

  • I keep writing posts and then deleting them. I'll probably delete this one, too.

  • Did I mentioned that I dried my sheets on the clothesline yesterday? The outside smell that wafted off of them even after I put them back on my bed kept me happy for hours.

  • It was chilly enough for me to turn the furnace on this morning. That must mean it's also chilly enough for me to wear a big comfy sweater. I love this time of year!