
Wednesday night I took a spin on my new (used) bike after work. The bike path is an abandoned rail bed that's been converted to a path for walking, biking, horseback riding, etc. It's a beauty - winding through a little forest, beside a lazy river.
It was glorious.

I pedalled slowly for a while, taking it all in. Then I'd speed it up and I'd zip along almost to the point of feeling like I was out of control and on the verge of a tumble. (I haven't ridden a bike in close to 20 years, so it doesn't take much to make me feel out of control.)

I felt like a kid again.

This morning I woke up and my body is covered in mosquito bites. I'm not sure why it took an entire day for them to materialize, but let me assure you, they've staged quite an entrance. Apparently the winding bike path through the woods beside the river is a hotbed of mosquito activity. Who would have guessed?

I'm trying to remember mosquito bite rememdies...do you dab toothpaste on the bites? Maybe some rubbing alcohol? I vaguely remember Calamine lotion from Girl Scout Camp. Or was that just for poison ivy?

The bumps are everywhere. They're quite itchy. Distracting. But I have to admit - everytime I scratch, I feel like a kid again, and it's almost all worth it.