
The VIM and I are going on a date tonight.
In public!
Where people we know might *gasp* see us.
Secret Private relationship be damned (at least for a few hours).

There's no set plan yet, but I think the evening is going to include Japanese food and either The Godfather or puppets.


One of my new projects at work is to wade into the wonderful world of pre-employment testing. Now, I'm all about doing personality tests on myself.

I know I'm an INFP.

I have high steadiness on the DISC profile.

You are Sally! your love for another is out of
control. you need to come back down from the
clouds every once in awhile. you are however a
super cute and super nice person.

what peanuts character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

I am
You are Princess Agbani. You are a student at the University of Nigeria, Lagos.  You got my name through the chember of comerse.  You have $21,350,000 to share, which your father, the king, left you. You have trouble spelling.
Which Nigerian spammer are You?

I am

So I took a sample "real" pre-employment test. One that the local temp agency uses for its employees. Apparently I'm a poor hiring choice. And not just a poor hiring choice, but a risk. A RISK! Apparently my lax attitude regarding drug use and theft of company property (I said I believe there is a difference between stealing $5 and $50...I didn't say one was more "right" than the other, just that there was a difference), makes me unsuitable for just about any job.


Running very very late on very very little sleep. It's gonna be a long day.

It's so worth it, however. Last night we went to see Richard Thompson - 1000 Years of Popular Music. Where else can you hear Shenandoah and Oops I Did it Again in the same evening (with some 11th century rounds and stuff by Gilbert and Sullivan thrown in for good measure)?

My conversation with the VIM during the drive there centered around the question of whether or not roosters have balls, and on my unique ability to ask the same question at least 8 different ways (or until I get an answer I can live with, whichever comes first.)


I just downloaded Stevie Wonder - Superstitious.
I'm not sure why it make me as happy as it does.

I spent this weekend in the greater Philly area, visiting with a college friend and getting fitted for a bridesmaid dress for her wedding. At some point in the weekend we talked about Songs That Get Stuck in Our Heads.

She mentioned Moon River.

It's been stuck in my head ever since. It must go. I'm desperate.

Moooooooooooon Riverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...... wider than a miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiile,
I'm croooooooooooossing you in styyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyle somedaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.......



Ok. I'm back to my old chipper self.
Work isn't perfect, but I'll survive.
A promotion and a raise goes a long way toward restoring gruntlement.
Now if it could just restore my sanity.

I'm starting Bridesmaid II - The Sequel.
I ordered the dress this weekend for an April wedding.
No weight gain allowed for the next six months.

I'm tired as all get out.
I know I need to go to bed, but when I'm sleeping VIMlessly I tend to put it off.
The bed will be cold, and there won't be a back there to nuzzle my nose into.
I can't sleep with a cold nose.

I didn't mean to format this into four-sentence groups.
I didn't really have anything else to say, but I felt I needed to make a forth group for balance.
I know.
It's a sickness.


Oh! The Places You'll Go...

My brand new job description for my brand new duties at work has been finalized. I am offically a Recruiting Manager. Never mind that I don't meet the "required" skill level, let alone the "desired" skills.

Part of my job will also focus on rentention - finding new ways to make our employees happy and want to stay with us forever and ever, which is fairly amusing, since I've been the poster girl for Disgruntlement in the Workplace for the past several months.


Weekend Wrap Up

The VIM has temporarily forsaken his beloved little elph digital camera for a digital video camera instead. At least I hope it's temporary.

My travelogue of our trip to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame consists of some cool shots of windmills, Cleveland at night as seen from a 19th floor hotel room, and the lake. HIS travelogue is video of him asking me questions, ala "Man on the Street", after an hour and a half of heavy drinking in the hotel bar while watching the presidential debate.

By the way, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame has fanned a burning obsession with dead rock stars. I think I'm going through a mid-life crisis.


Our path to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame took us past giant windmills.


Well, yeah. But still cool nonetheless.

Pete pic via thewho.net


Happiness is...

Yesterday my best friend called me at work:

"Do you remember back in 6th grade, on days when we had tater tots at lunch..."

"We would have a competition to see who could hold on to their laaaaaast tater tot the longest..."

"Yes! And then eat that last one really slowly...taunting the other tater tot-less person with the last bite..."

"Oh my God we were nerds."

"Do you remember that time when you slipped a tater tot into your pocket, then later in the afternoon in math class you got my attention and popped it into your mouth?"

"Oh yeah. That was a defining moment in the whole Last Tater Tot competition. I knew I had raised the bar."

*sadly* "Yeah. We never really topped that one, did we?"


Tonight I went to a Job Fair

Last night was "parent's night" at a local high school's opportunity fair. Although the guidance office assured me that lots of local businesses would be there, it was for all intents and purposes, a college fair. The two local businesses found our tables in the back corner, sandwiched between the Job Center booth and the Occupational Rehab booth. I had lots of time to bond with the local manager that I had taken with me, since no parent in their right mind wanted to explore our company as a post-high school opportunity instead of college.

Manager: Do you think we'll get out of here on time? I want to make it home in time to watch Nip/Tuck.

*general conversation about the sad state of tv*

Me: My television is always on when I'm home in the evenings, but I'm never really paying attention. I spend that time online instead.

Manager: What do you do online?

Me: Read. I'll read anything. I'll read for hours. I can spend three hours on Amazon going from review to review, or Ebay. Then there's this whole genre of writing out there...blogs...are you familiar with that term?

Manager: uh, no.

Me: Well, it's hard to define, but many people have their own sites and they just write. Some write about their political opinions, some list links to sites they've found, some write more of a personal journal type thing.

Manager: People write diary-type stuff and put it online?

Me: Oh yeah. And I read the same ones every day. It does sort of get to be like a television series...I visit these people's sites every day to see what's going on with them.

Manager: And they are like diaries? People just write stuff like "Tonight I Went to a Job Fair..."?

Me: Yes. Exactly!

Mananger: Who the hell would want to read stuff like that?

Me: According to my site stats, noone.

Manager: What?

Me: Nothing.


Even though I can't keep this journal going at any kind of regular rate, I felt the need to purchase a domain name and will eventually move this there. Eventually.

Why a hosted domain? Because I'm nuts. Because I get my panties in a wad and think that I need a page to put pictures, and I need a place to put other stuff, and I need a place to put even OTHER stuff. What other stuff? Hell if I know. Like I said, I'm nuts.


Ok, so yeah, I've figured out what is worse than being between a slow driver and an impatient one. It's worse (MUCH worse) to almost cause an accident by pulling into a blind intersection directly into the path of a driver who is NOT appeased by your meek little "I'm sorry" wave, and rides your ass to prove a point, causing you to speed up and up and up until you you are forced to slow down by a car in front of you being driven approximately 18 MPH by a 241 year old woman on her way to church. Then the driver behind you (who, while understandably upset by the near accident you caused, is now acting like a doo-doo-head) starts to try to pass both you and the 241 year old woman, but is thwarted at least three times by oncoming traffic.

Yeah. That's much worse.

Confidential to the man I pulled out in front of:

Dude, I am TRULY sorry. It's a blind intersection and the sun was in my eyes. It was my fault. I admit that. But it was TOTALLY inappropriate to harass me for the next 5 miles. Grow the fuck up.