
This Message Will Self-Destruct in 5...4...3...

I'm certainly not going to tell you that there aren't benefits to having a private relationship (I prefer "private" to "secret"..."secret relationship" sounds so unseemly), but honestly, it's not as exciting as it seems.

One of the strange things is that some friends know and some friends don't. Generally, the friends who know don't know the friends who don't know (Holy Cats, I sound like Donald Rumsfeld). Today, VIM and I are going on a little excursion with some other people. Some of those people know, and some don't. Quite frankly, I'm not in the the mood to be around people who don't know. I haven't seen the VIM on a personal level for days. There are so many things going on right now in both of our lives that all I want to do is be with him. Be myself. Be loving. Make funny jokes. Get refueled. For the past week, and I KNOW for the upcoming week and the week after that, I will be spending more time pretending that there is no private relationship than I will spending private time together. I hate that.