
31 Things

  1. People generally think I'm about 10 years younger than I actually am.
  2. I cry everytime I read the email that goes around about the Special Olympic kids turning around to help a fallen runner, then link arms and cross the finish line together.
  3. Since 2000 I've lost 60 lbs and kept it off.
  4. I lost some of it with Weight Watchers and the rest with general common sense.
  5. I'm trying to kick up the activity level in my life.
  6. Yesterday I rode 13 miles on my bike.
  7. Today my butt hurts.
  8. Right now it's 4:15am, and I have a touch of insomnia.
  9. I rarely drink anything other than water, coffee, and an occasional beer.
  10. I have no pictures or decorations on my living room walls. I'm still waiting for the decorating muse to introduce herself to me.
  11. I live in a densely pickup truck populated area.
  12. I drive a small car. I really have no need to haul stuff around.
  13. I prefer manual transmissions to automatics.
  14. I was raised as an only child.
  15. That's subtly different from saying "I have no brothers or sisters."
  16. I used to eat cheeseburgers like they were going out of style. Seriously. I was known for my affinity for cheeseburgers. There's something to be proud of!
  17. I was a huge fan of Sesame Street as a child. I've never really lost that love for Grover and Cookie Monster.
  18. I prefer Warner Bros. cartoons to Disney.
  19. Flintstones to Jetsons.
  20. Electric Company to Zoom.
  21. Red Sauce to White Sauce.
  22. Lime to Lemon.
  23. Short Stories to Great Big Novels.
  24. Jewel Tones to Pastels.
  25. Dogs to Cats.
  26. Tulips to Roses.
  27. Sweaters to Swimsuits.
  28. I still have all of my Nancy Drew Books.
  29. I love the smell of new shoes, fresh cut grass, and the inside of hotel ice machines.
  30. There are plants popping up under my birdfeeder from the seeds the birds drop. I'm pretty sure they're weeds, but I can't bring myself to pull them out in case they turn out to be sunflowers.
  31. I'm a big fan of carbohydrates.